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Japanese Tea and Culture Workshop

Lovers of tea are invited to bask in the beauty and richness of Japanese tea in the Japanese Tea and Culture Workshop, a short course that offers a comprehensive deep dive into the world of Japanese tea, blending both industrial and cultural perspectives into one class. Explore the history of tea, production processes, health benefits, and cultural significance and learn to distinguish between different tea leaves, their cultivation methods, and how these factors influence taste and aroma. This immersive hands-on experience will teach you the art of brewing tea, mastering temperature control, and multiple infusions. 

Course Schedule
Class Date 08 February 2025
Class Session 1-day Class
Class Hour 08:30 - 12:30
Total Hours 4 hours
Class Capacity 14 Seats
Qualified Age Minimum 18 years old
Delivery Language Japanese with English Translation
Suitable For Tea lovers, amateurs, café owners, baristas, and bartenders
Accomplishment Certificate of Achievement by The Food School Bangkok
What you will learn :
  • Focus on Japanese tea's history, production, and manufacturing processes
  • Study chemical components and health benefits
  • Acquire specialised and broad knowledge of Japanese tea production
  • Explore the role of tea throughout history
  • Examine how tea consumption and its cultural significance have evolved over time
  • Evaluate different tea leaves and their characteristics
  • Understand how cultivation and production methods affect taste and aroma
  • Hands-on experience in brewing tea with a teapot
  • Learn proper preparation methods and how temperature and multiple infusions impact flavour
Lecturers (Explore the Chefs biography below)
Booking Deadline

1 February 2025

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