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Nordic Canapés
When one thinks of Nordic food, a lot comes to mind–but the eponymous Frantzén-style canapés leave a long-lasting impression. Meet Martin Bergstrand, our chef instructor who will guide you on a journey to experience the flavours of Nordic canapés. Boasting formidable skills cumulated from experiences such as serving as an executive sous chef at the Nordic fine-dining restaurant Villa Frantzén, the brainchild of former footballer and world-renowned chef Björn Frantzén, Chef Martin brings the utmost excellence to this course, leading students on a hands-on experience in crafting decadent Nordic canapés, croustades, and heavenly tartelettes that no other could compare.
Course Schedule
Class Date 06 October 2024
Class Session 1-Day Class
Class Hour 08:30-12:30 hrs.
Total Hours 4 hours
Class Capacity 16 Seats
Qualified Age Minimum 18 years old
Delivery Language English
Suitable For Motivated amateurs, home chefs, lovers of Nordic cuisine
Accomplishment Certificate of attendance by The Food School
What you will learn :
  • Techniques for crafting croustades and various tartelette bases tailored for canapés
  • The science behind constructing canapés, emphasising flavour composition, initial impact creation, and the 'wow' factor
  • Efficient methodologies for kitchen operation and teamwork
  • Formulation of pickling solutions for culinary applications
  • Emulsification and pureeing techniques
Nordic Canapés
  • French Toast (Sourdough bread, Caramelized onion, Västerbotten Cheese Cream, Beetroot-pickled onions, Vendace roe, Sliced chives, Chives powder)
  • Beef Tartare Croustade (Wheat & beer croustade, Oyster emulsion, Diced raw beef, Parmesan)
  • Salmon Tartelette (Charcoal & nori tartelette, Avocado emulsion, Pickled cucumbers, Quickly brined salmon, Dill powder, Trout roe, Chives or garlic flowers)
Lecturers (Explore the Chefs biography below)
Booking Deadline

29 September 2024

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