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The world of Italian cuisine is incredibly rich with diversity, whether from cultural, historical, or climate differences across the peninsula. In this course, students can deepen their knowledge on one of Italy's most famous regions and its iconic, recognisable dishes.
Course Schedule
Class Date 21 January 2023
Class Session 1-Day Class with 2 Sessions per day
Class Hour Morning 08:30-12:30 / Afternoon 13:30-17:30
Total Hours 8 hours
Class Capacity 14 Seats
Qualified Age Minimum 18 years old
Delivery Language English with Thai translation
Suitable For Amateur and food enthusiasts
Accomplishment Certificate of attendance by The Food School and ALMA
What you will learn :
  • Basic knowledge of Italian regional cuisine (North, Central, South) with a focus on Sicilian culture, climate, and history
  • Basic knowledge and understanding of staple ingredients and products in Sicilian cuisine and the best ways to utilize them.
  • Italian traditional method of preparing and opening shellfish ("alla marinara")
  • Understanding in the Italian approach to food and cooking, as well as its uniqueness.
Sicily Recipes by ALMA
  • Peperonata (Sicilian pepper stew)
  • Braciole alla siciliana (Sicilian meat rolls)
  • Cous cous ai molluschi (Cous cous with shellfish)
  • Insalata pantesca (Pantelleria-style salad)
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