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AGEMONO refers to any kind of deep-fried dishes, and includes the three basic frying techniques: suage, in which the foods are fried without a coating of flour or batter; karaage, a method where food is first coated in flour or arrowroot starch which preserves its natural water content and produces a crispy outer surface; and koromo-age, in which foods are coated in batter before frying, just like tempura dishes.
Course Schedule
Class Date 11 February 2023
Class Session 1-Day Class with 2 Sessions per day
Class Hour Morning 08:30-12:30 / Afternoon 13:30-17:30
Total Hours 8 hours
Class Capacity 15 Seats
Qualified Age Minimum 18 years old
Delivery Language English with Thai translation
Suitable For Amateur and food enthusiasts
Accomplishment Certificate of attendance by The Food School and Tsuji
What you will learn :
  • 3-Basic japanese frying techniques: Suage / Karaage / Koromo-age
  • Ingredients to perfect the AGEMONO dish.
  • Authentic Japanese plate decorations
Agemono recipes by Tsuji
  • Tempura
  • Kakiage
  • Kawariage
  • Karaage
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